Post by wallace on Jan 15, 2023 15:42:53 GMT
Bin watching lotta series, "A French Village" lately.
Rather lotter hangings going on there.
Which brings us to this:
This place is deemed a "hangout".
Now it somewot gets undah me hide when folk monkey with /mangle the English langwydge.
Take "hung" vs "hanged".
The LAW states its rather straightfowerd, vis, you use "hung" in almost all instances when dealing with a past particle, past tense loikes. Loike in " 'ers HUNG out the clothes yesterday."
You use "hung" only for INANIMATE objects. " 'im hanged der pawtridge oop till gamey." is no-correct cos pawtwridge were a-live-o, but no mores.
" 'im were hanged by the scrotums." Is CORRECTOMUNDO. Whenevah you string a living body up, iss HANGED.
You notice you nevah hears that so-and-so is "well hanged". It's "well hung". Now since a cock is a living objerkt, "hung" - arse we allus hears it in common lingo - is ,in this instance, WRONG. A flaw of the English langwydge.
So then, wot of "HiFi HANGOUT"? Is this accepterbull?
Yes it is!
Cos a "hangout" is not a LIVING entitty.